Health Coverage
1. Cobra is costing me approx. $700/month
So, short term health insurance sounded like a good idea! Approx. $100/month in case of emergency. Even better get it for Dec. and Jan. and that way I will be covered in case I have to wait for a job at home.
2. Oh, but we couldn't cover you in New England!
But what if I was just "visiting?"
Well yes, then it would.
Then I had to ask a STUPID question. What your definition of "resident?"
(as in resident of Michigan!)
A drivers license.
3. But I don't have a Michigan drivers license!
(I never knew how long I was going to be here,
I was all set to finally get one in May,
then everything went downhill).
Then we CAN'T cover you.
I'm covered when I WORK and with COBRA because they are "group" coverage . . . individual is quite different.
Ok, well maybe I can get short term from my Home state.
My Home state does NOT do short term insurance.
I do however, qualify for subsidised (regular) health insurance, in New England, because I am apparently at poverty level, (I've been out of work so much this year). I would normally have to wait until June, but because of precipitating events, I can apply now.
4. $305/month, but I would be IN until June, no matter what!
I guess another $700 for December with COBRA, and pray I have a job and insurance in January.
cuz I probably won't have any savings left either . . . moving, gas, car insurance, new car title, license plate, groceries, etc.
Sorry, I don't think I mentioned, Mom is giving me her 10 year old car, (since I gave my 10 year old junker to my neighbor to sell for all his goodness and troubles), and she will keep Dad's 5 year old car.
Sorry, I don't think I mentioned, Mom is giving me her 10 year old car, (since I gave my 10 year old junker to my neighbor to sell for all his goodness and troubles), and she will keep Dad's 5 year old car.

It's all so heartbreaking. The insurance issues are back and budget breaking issues. I hope a solution turns up for you soon.
Yes, and people keep asking me about "Gov. Romney's" healthcare reform at Home . . . Hmmmmm
Ugh. Don't you just want to scream? Maybe that's what we all could do. Forget 'occupying' anything, just open up our doors and scream!
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