That Train has left the Station
May 2010 Rehab.
Dad is coming Home today.
Medical equipment should be here soon.
Oxygen concentrator
Mechanical Lift
Dad should be here by 2pm.
Replaced the sump pump
Then the "up" pipe started to seep, now that's fixed
Notice a large water spot on the kitchen ceiling, called on that
Called to see about getting a removable ramp built out the front door
Work switched me to 12 hour shifts, (was four 9 hour shifts)
Cut back to 3 shifts.
Work called to ask if I could work today.
Some one asked me today,
"when is your vacation?"
I had one Sept. 2006
(sailing on a schooner in Penobscot Bay)
Can't really count the last Mexico trip . . .
since I got no sleep as I seemed to be 24/7 with Dad
And my visits home . . . they REALLY don't qualify.
Actually they count about as much as going to my job.
They keep me SANE but . . .
they definitely are not vacation.