bennington, vt.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The knave of hearts stole the tarts.

At least it's not hospital food.

I love this time of year, (the whole pre-lent/Shrove/Fat Tuesday), you really start to think about regional foods.  I was on my way out for a few errands and M&D said, "go pick up some Paczkis."  Go pick up some . . . what?  Oh yeah, Polish donuts like:  Pennsylvania Dutch-Fastnacht, German-Kinklings, Finnish-Semla, or the lovely Beignets from New Orleans. 

Sort of reminds me of College in New Mexico.  We had an amazing group of students from all over the country, and nothing amused us more then the many different ways they ordered soft drinks.  Soda, soda pop, pop, coke, (mind you this could be for a clear drink), cola, and fizzy.  It made food services crazy.

1 comment:

Kevin Collard said...

thanks for your kind words over at my blog...and its pop :)